India’s Secure Best And Cheap Web Hosting (2019 Review)

India’s Secure Best And Cheap Web Hosting (2019 Review)

Let me guess, we all have an inclination towards cheap and affordable stuff. Well, I am all the same even, I look for products which are cheap and worth money buying. It’s the human tendency to fall for cheap products. Suppose you want to start your own website or may be running your own website first that comes in mind is your domain name and hosting. Buying a domain name and hosting does require some good amount of money. In order to help you out, We did comprehensive research on the best and cheap web hosting and came up with our final recommendations.

Web hosting pocket money

Are you bound by your low pocket money?

In this case, Spending a chunk of money on your website hosting is not at all possible. So you got to fulfill all your needs in a budgeted domain or else we can say a cheap domain that provides all the features which are of great importance to you.

Great, You have landed on the right page. 

Here we will be listing down some great and affordable web hosting plans to our readers. These web hosting plans are no less than any premium hosting service.

Sneak Peek at my experience with Web hosting

When I was about to start my own blog it was really messed up stuff because on the internet. There are various hosting service provider and it made too difficult for me to choose among them. Sometimes, I found a service provider that is very cheap but not providing a good feature or some times I get hosting which are too expensive to fit in my budget.

All the time it’s not about just getting a cheap web hosting but what matters is the security i.e Is your web hosting secure?

secure web hosting

It’s one of the prime reasons to have a secure web hosting because cyber attacks are going all over the world and I am pretty sure that you don’t want your site to be hacked by anyone.

If your web host has poor secure configurations than trust me you need to opt for other hosting servers because at any moment it can be hacked and your data stored on the server is not at all secured.

Don’t worry why fear when I am here.

Just for your convenience, I am going to bring out the best hosting service which is much better than other cheap web hostings.

Stop wasting your time on searching your answer on search engines.

Just grab your bucket of popcorn and take a look at the best and cheap web hosting.

Cloud ways – Best & Cheap Web Hosting 

Cloudways best and cheap web hosting

Have you heard about cloudways?

If yes then it’s well and good otherwise don’t worry I will give all the answers to your question and I am damn sure that you will have zero doubts after reading this article properly just don’t skip any part otherwise it will get difficult for you to get on board.

What is cloudways hosting?

Cloudways is one of the leading providers of cloud hosting. It makes an ideal connection between simple pricing and incredible usefulness with regards to cloud-based WordPress hosting.

You might be now wondering about cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting

If you think that it is a hosting done on the cloud, well, you are somewhat close. Cloud hosting is the process of outsourcing an organization’s computing and storage resources to a service provider that offers its infrastructure services in a utility model.

OK!!! That sounds confusing ???

It is basically a large number of real servers that work together as one system/platform in order to provide a stable and secure hosting for virtual users. This results in higher and better server performance with high uptime at a lower cost. It’s simple server management which makes your website performance much faster.

What is cloud hosting?

Understanding it is not a hard and fast rule, Just think there is a single server that contains all the data of your website and you want to access your website so when you visit your website and all the request is served by the single server.

Whereas, In the case of cloud hosting, your site data and resources are served by multiple different virtual servers. This makes you to scale up your site without undergoing any downtime.

Benefits of Cloud Hosting

  1. Easy Pricing Structure.
  2. Easy to scale your website.
  3. Full-time availability.
  4. Fewer downtime scenes.
  5. Higher website performance.
  6. Simple server management.
  7. Well defined Secured connection.

Now, Getting back to Cloud Ways.

What makes cloudways hosting better than other providers?

Web hosting service provider

There are various cheap web hosting services which are available online but only a few hostings sill work profitably for you. One of the best web hosting services is provided by Cloudways. It has improved the style of cloud hosting by bringing in great features and several managed cloud hosting options. 

The best part is that they use the latest servers and systems as a way of keeping up with their performance. Cloudways comes with a pre-install plugin known as Breeze Cache Plugin which rolls down with some great features such as file exclusion, grouping, and minification, as well as Gzip compression for optimized file sizes. 

Get Cloudways Hosting

This adds to the user experience of the user and brings more reliability and trust while using this hosting.

Adding to it, They have multiple layers of protection which is much more secure and safer to use and all your site data and resources will be protected from hackers. 


High-Speed Performance

Cloudways guarantee much better website performance among other web hosting services. It is organized with a dedicated environment which allows maximum server and app performance and SSD-based hosting which drives 3x lightning speed performance and reduces page speed time.

It has an auto-healing system server which helps your site to recover from any crashes automatically.

Expert Review –

We gave Cloudways a try and we saw our client sites have page load time decreased from an average of 5.4 seconds to just over 1 second. ” – Jeff Weese (Founder at Josiex Studios)

Hosting Managed With Proper Security

When it comes to security, there are no other cheap hosting providers which provide such as managed security service. All cloudways server are packed with a dedicated firewall that filters out malicious traffic and keeps is safer from the intruders or outsider attack. 

With built-in SSL enhances your website security which fulfills all HTTPS needs Cloudways provides regular firmware upgrades which ensure a secure managed cloud server. Adding to its cloudways account security it comes with Two-Factor authentication.

Expert Review –

Most of the cloud hosting providers only seem to offer barebone servers. I want to know that my websites are safe and Cloudways does that.” – Hugo Saner (Owner at Saner Design)

cloudways high speed performance

24*7 Expert Support

Whenever you buy a product or avail any service than what matters the most is the after-sale service. Even I recommend the product which has better after-sale services. This is the reason I have added Cloudways in my top list.

This web hosting service is backed with 24*7 live chat support which makes it much better than other hosting services. It has an active community base where an expert shares their opinion, knowledge, and skills that benefit their users.

Expert Review – 

“I can’t imagine ever getting bad support with Cloudways. We have several accounts and 40 sites or so. We’ve had to do some pretty complicated operations with some of the sites, thus I’ve contacted tech support on several occasions. Their support is the best hosting support I’ve ever had (been doing this since 1995).” – Steve Weber (Owner at Web Internet Marketing)

Easy Management

Cloudways has the best past in hosting that is their way of managing service. It gives you more easy and freedom to optimize on site and take your business to the next level. 

It comes with Renowned IaaS Providers, Block Storage, Seamless Vertical Scaling, Launch 10+ Apps Through 1-Click, MySQL and MariaDB Supported, All PHP Apps Supported, and many more.

Expert Review – 

“I can blindly recommend Cloudways. Their platform is quite stable and feature-packed – one of the best by making it easier to use cloud providers such as DO and Vultr. If you’re looking to say goodbye to traditional hosting packages and dive right into the cloud server world, look no further than Cloudways to help you out.” – Denis Gomes Franco (Owner at Sites Exclusivos).

Easy to Integrate

Now it has been made easy to achieve your target with an easy integration and collaboration serving window from cloudways. You can easily manage your work in a team with the division of products and more of which it allows an easy way to transfer ownership by using the 1-click hosting feature.

Expert Review – 

Congratulations on building a great platform that solves one of my greatest pains and time-consuming tasks, managing servers. You will save me approx 8 hours per week. That means 416 hours a year, or a 9 days vacation each year. Awesome!” – Vicente Alvarez (CTO at PayForm).

Proper Monitoring 

You can easily monitor all functions with just a few clicks and with an easy-to-use user interface, you can easily control your application and servers.

With continuous development in the R&D, cloudways came up with a new feature i.e an update in webroot which implies a simple way of changing the web root of an app on Cloudways is easy. 

Expert Review – 

“The interface is brilliant. It’s developer enough and user-friendly enough (i.e. good easy access to the command line, but makes life easy too with a nice GUI).” – Russell ShouldiceIT (Manager at Heritage College & Seminary).


Let’s as we are now familiar with their features and advantages now let’s discuss their pricing.

Cloudways Cheapest web hosting Pricing

It starts with as low as 10$ per month, There are various other modules which require different configuration. You can easily select the module depending on your budget line. The more money you spend on the module the more features you will be getting.

But, the best part is that you will get some defined features that are common to all the plans i.e no need to pay for these common features. They are –

  • 24/7 Expert support.
  • Unlimited App Installation.
  • Free SSL Certificates.
  • Free Migration.

Final Words

In the end, I would like to sum up by saying that if you are planning to buy web hosting service for your website and need a cheap web host then you can for sure go for Cloudways because it can easily fit in your budget and gives all the features required for website hosting.

Cloudways is a fully packed web hosting site which gives proper security and multiple payment plans option so that user can select hosting plans as per their needs and with their customer support all day and night make it much handy.

Get along with this hosting service and get to see an amazing experience.

Good Luck !!!!

Digital Dhairya

About the author

Dhairya Singh Chauhan is a Google certified professional who has achieved hundreds of number one rankings over the past 5-years. Dhairya has consulted countless clients on SEO and how to make money online, from small family-owned businesses to international brands.

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