How To Do Mobile Keyword Research

How To Do Mobile Keyword Research

How To Do Mobile Keyword Research

You might be thinking, what is it all about? I bet we have come with the topic which you might have never thought about- How to do Mobile Keyword Research?

Mobile Keywords!

You have never thought of this topic How to do Mobile Keyword Research ever before. But don’t feel bad or beat yourself up over it. Marketers and SEOs have thought about this a few years ago only, as there can be something like mobile keywords which are different from desktop keywords.

And of course, mobile keywords and desktop keywords should be treated as two separate things.

Today the citizens are moving towards Mobile World. Many times we have heard the word “Mobile Marketing”.

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Yes, this is what it is!

According to Smart Insights– mobile ad spending accounts for 69.7% of all digital media time in the year 2018. It is clear from this that mobile is the future and for many people, mobile internet is the only internet.

But, what is that? The whole thing is that you will have to spend a maximum of your time on mobile marketing. And guess what, this can be done through Mobile Keyword Research.

If you have the will that not only your website should be seen on the desktop but it should also be mobile friendly, then you should start thinking mobile, in addition, to optimize your site for mobile.

This can be done only through Mobile Keyword Research. You will be able to give your website mobile SEO boost so that it can be reached to maximum people.

So, let us discuss our topic in particular-how to do mobile keyword research? You can grow your mobile traffic to over 100000 visitors a month through mobile SEO.

But, before starting with the question, let us tell you the difference between mobile keywords and desktop keywords.


What is the difference between Mobile keywords and Desktop keywords?

We will have a look at how the search process is different for mobile and desktop, as well as, we will also look at how the keywords of both are different.

Well, by “mobile keywords” we mean keywords that are basically optimized for mobile phones or mobile platforms.

We can understand this thing with the help of the example: mobile keywords are generally shorter keywords because shorter keywords are easier to type on mobile phone or iPads or tablets etc.

In simple words, we have to use different queries on a mobile phone than the desktop.

According to us, there exist three main differences to it.

Spoken queries vs typed queries

Typo errors and type-free errors

Informational queries vs local queries


Ok, let us have a look at each one of them.


Spoken queries vs typed queries

This is the main difference between mobile vs desktop queries.

As we have seen that, normally in our day to day life we hardly use voice commands while searching on desktops, because it is much easier to type.

But, when we are on the go- say driving or walking, etc- then it is very much easier to use voice commands.

Let us have a look!

How To Do Mobile Keyword Research

Typo Errors v/s Type Free Errors

It is fact that, when you type on a mobile device, it is likely that you will make typographical errors. Because it is the nature of typing with thumbs and fingers on a small screen as a mobile device, as opposed to typing with a keyboard on a screen like a laptop.

Informational Queries v/s Local Queries

The biggest difference depends on which type of query we are using our devices for. That means, it is more common to use a mobile device for local queries, that is, for small queries than using a long tail informational queries.

Let us have a look at this:

Let me ask you one question- “is it possible to write long tail keyword or long tail informational query on mobile?

Yes, we can! But it is not common.
Image result for smiley
From this, it is proved that the type of queries for mobile and desktop has a significant difference. So, it is important to optimize for mobile queries.

But, the question is why mobile? Actually, mobile search creates much faster results- According to the study by Google and Neilsen in 2013.

Let us have a look at the numbers:

And this is so shocking that- 77% of the mobile searches happen where people have decent access to a desktop computer. That completely means people are choosing the use of mobile phones more.



The reason behind the above is that people probably noticing, mobile searches are faster and convenient than that of desktop searches. We can have a look at this down:


This is the conclusion to the fact, that mobile searches are not faster rather they are more convenient. This is the biggest reason why people are prone to mobile searches than desktop searches.

Hey, now I think we should move towards our main agenda of how to do mobile keyword research

So, let us discuss this in depth.

How to do Mobile Keyword Research


We should tell you that, Mobile Keyword Research depends on three components:


Location, and,

Voice Search

We will discuss each topic in detail.



First and foremost component, on which we have to focus on in the answer to how to do mobile keyword research is “Length”. Length is an important factor. Because there is no doubt that we have to keep the keywords short and precise in case of mobile devices.

So basically we can say that we have to “Keep It Short”.

As no one would like to type longer keywords on the mobile devices. It is recommended that it is easier to use the minimum amount of words on mobile devices that will get you what you’re searching for.

If you want to rank best or high on mobile devices, keep your keywords short, such as 2-3 words would good to use.

This completely means that you have to search out for shorter keywords in your niche.

For this, we are using SEMrush in order to analyze these keywords.

We do it with the help of SEMrush. So let us do it practically.

Go to the SEMrush page,

First, you have to type in the keyword that you are searching for in the search box, and also change the country from the drop-down. Click on “start now”. You have to type longer keywords so that you can get the result as short keywords.

I have taken the keyword as “Chinese restaurants that deliver near me” and chose India. The next page you are going to see is this.

What you can see above is the result of desktop searches. You have to scroll down until you see the result as “Related Keywords”.

This pic is showing you different keywords that people are searching.

“Chinese restaurants delivery near me”, “Chinese restaurants near me that deliver”, to name a few.

As we have said above these searches are desktop based, now we have to look how these searches are different for mobile devices.

You have to scroll up to the oversize heading “Keyword Overview”, and you will notice there is an option of “device” beneath it. From here you can change the device from Desktop to Mobile, as shown in the pic below.

Now, you will be able to see how the keywords are different from the desktop keywords, which we have used. Two of the top related keywords may be “Chinese food near me delivery” and “Chinese that delivers near me”.

You can see how these keywords have become shorter, as the restaurant is replaced with “Food”.

These type of keywords, people are going to use on their mobiles. Focus on these keywords and you have to dominate those ones.



Location is also an important component of analyzing how to do mobile keyword research. In most cases, mobile search has location factor attached to it. Google has reported that 94% of smartphone users search for location-based info- according to Mobile PlayBook.

This is because a lot of users are using mobile phones for searches. People can take mobiles wherever they are going and mobiles are always nearby.

In order to do this, we are imperative to do Local SEO. We do this with the help of “Google My Business”.

*(Please Note: We will share the information on Google Business in our next article).

If you are keen on learning best practices for local SEO, we recommend you check this out-

This article by Search Engine Land


Voice Search

These days in the present scenario, we can say that maybe you don’t have to even type the keywords. So, we can look for other alternatives as well.

Maybe you don’t have to type anything at all, and this can be done through “Voice Search” technique.

Voice Search is a big piece of the puzzle- “How to do mobile keyword research?”, where programs like Siri and Cortana makes it easy for people, to find what they are looking for, without even typing.

There are other forms of searches as well. Google Now, Hound, Google Goggles, and Google Gesture Search.

Image result for google goggles for searching pics

From the above, we can conclude that people are not even browsing the things, they are not typing anything, rather they are using apps or other features for the same.

Now, the biggest question arises for SEOs and Marketers is- How they can rank without using non-text based search programs?

When we talk about Voice Search, we talk about many things:

#1 Voice Keyword Search should be shorter. Like we can use the word limit of 3 words in case of voice search through mobile devices.

Shorter keywords will help you optimize for both mobiles as well as for voice search.

#2 Voice Search queries questions are the most popular. The biggest reason behind this is that people search in their normal language, in which they actually speak. They will not say “Barbeque Nation in Delhi”. Rather they will say “Where are Barbeque Nation Chains in Delhi?”

This reveals user intent as well. Just notice, when you say “Where is Delhi?” it is likely the user wanted to know the location where Delhi exists on the map of India.

But, when the user says “Where are Delhi Hotels?” this shows completely a different intention of the user.

Most of the mobile conversion happens within one hour:

#3 Local SEO is one of the important points of. As we have discussed above also about Local SEO. When you will go Google Goggles and search for a book “Getting Things Done: The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity”, the picture will provide you not only with the book but also with the related results like Published in, Author, and on what online sites it is available etc.

Image result for google goggles for searching pics

You can use your logo on Google Goggles to gain visibility and also to drive more and more traffic on the website.

When someone will see your brand image they will be able to recognize you more and will know about your business.

Now, we have to discuss- “How to rank without using non-text based search programs?”

You have to make sure that your logo is associated with the brand name of your company.

Firstly, you would like to place the logo in a prominent place as “Amazon” did.

Secondly, the rule of SEO, you have to use alt tags for all of your images. Because this is one of the best ways that search engines would be able to know that your image is associated with the brand name of your company.

You can so much with other methods as well as with Google Gesture search, Hound etc.



Well, we would like to counsel you on using of Mobile Keyword Research. If you want to take SEO seriously, then it is necessary to implement Mobile Keyword Research, as it plays an important role in your marketing strategy.

We are going mobile, so we have to think mobile and this has a close relation to your SEO. The reason behind this is that the world of SEO is changing.

When were we writing on the topic-“how to do mobile keyword research ” it was a matter of concern that, you will find it complicated. But, now you can see that it is not at all complicated.

Rather, it is much easier. It just requires some dedicated research and that’s it.

We are obliged that you have read the article on “ How To Do Mobile Keyword Research ”, taking out your precious time.

We will be back soon with some more important topics on SEO, in the meanwhile you are invited to Buy Cheap and Best SEO Books 2018.

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In Your Service

Dhairya Singh Chauhan


Digital Dhairya

About the author

Dhairya Singh Chauhan is a Google certified professional who has achieved hundreds of number one rankings over the past 5-years. Dhairya has consulted countless clients on SEO and how to make money online, from small family-owned businesses to international brands.

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